
BR02-01:Incredible Creatures

"This largest of all creatures feeds on some of the very smallest of sea animals."(p.28)

 In this book, there are a lot of creatures, such as flamingos, grasshopper, echidna, crocodile, tortoises, snakes, and more.  This book shew me what I didn't know about these kinds animals.  For example, the way kangaroos kids get into their mother's pouch.  First, they go forward and get into the pouch.  Next, they turn around in the pouch.  Then, they look out from the pouch.  There are many interesting things about animals in this book!
 Also, in this book, there are many illustrations and it makes me to understand easier, such as the way kangaroos kids get into their mother's pouch.  Bug's illustration was disgusting little, but almost all of them are very real and nice.  I recommend that you read this book!

Coupe,Robert.(2008) Incredible creatures. Sydney:Weldon,Owen.


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