I think that this vol. is one of the most moving vol. in One Piece series. In this vol., there are some impressive comments. What Pell said to Vivi is one of them. After he said it, he transformed to a falcon and grasped the big bomb to bring it to the sky. And the bomb exploded. I moved to tears in this scene. Luffy is very cool and strong because he try to do what he decide. Also, other his ship-mates are cool and kind. They fight the enemy for not only themselves but also others.
This comic is famous and popular in all over the world. It has a very interesting and moving story, laughable scenes, unique characters, and nice illustrations. I am sure that you are heavily into One Piece, if you read it. So, I recommend that you read it!
Oda,Eiichiro. (2003) One Piece v.23 San Francisco,CA.
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