I heard this story, but I hadn't heard the whole story. I was lucky because I had a chance to read this. This is a fantasic story. In this story, there are fice fairies, which are Fairy Daisy, Fairy Iris, Fairy Sunflower, Fairy Poppy, and Fairy Weed. I remembered that Fairy Weed gave the Princess bad present because she was angry for not inviting the party, but that is not written in this book. I remembered the wrong information..? Also, one thing that I wondered is "Is poppy so popular?" I think pthers, such as tulip, are better. Why the auther choose the poppy? Perhaps, this four flower had any means, but I didn't understand.
This book has nice illustrations. Yes, many of them are nice, but some are a little scary. They help you to read and to understand this story. I recommend that you read this book!
White, Catherine, E. (2008) Sleeping Beauty. Genoa: Black Cat Publishing.
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