I knew this story named "The Three Goats Gruff". In Japanese, Gruff was translated to "Garagara-don". The younger brothers are clever and the oldest brother, Biffer, is strong and reliable. I want to be like him. I read this story when I was a child and maybe, my father read me. I was a little scary about the troll but I liked this story very much. Japanese "Garagara-don" was good sound for little me. I asked my father to read the book before I slept.
I remember that, in the Japanese book, the troll is drew scary, so I was scaring. However, in this book, the illustrations are very comical and cute. It is easy for me to read this book. If you know the Japanese version, you will read this book more enjoyable, but if you don't know, you'll read enjoyable. So, I recommend that you read this book.
Bingham, Jane.(2007) The Billy Goats Gruff. London : Usborne
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