I have heard this story, 'The Happy Prince' in Japanese. It is sad and moving story. Both of the prince and the swallow are very kind. The prince's kindness is for the people, the swallow's one is for the prince. Both of them sacrificed themselves for others. I don't know that they are happy, but they are very kind or too kind. After I finished reading this story, I felt a little sadness. Their wills are not understood by the people. Only the God knows it. However, I think that it is true kindness. Even if the people don't notice it, I should be kind.
The another story in this book, 'The Selfish Giant', is teaching story, too. Maybe it says to be kind others, so both stories in this book are the story to be kind others.
Yes, this book has two stories, so we can enjoy one story and another story. Both of them are interesting. Also, it has very cute illustrations. 'The Happy Prince' is a famous story in Japan, too. Perhaps, you have heard another one, 'The Selfish Giant'. I recommend that you read them in English even if you have heard them in Japanese.
Wild,Oscar; retold by Moore, Elizabeth Ann. (2003). The Happy Prince; The Selfish Giant. Genoa:Black Cat
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