I didn't understand the mean of this story. A little old woman and a little old man wanted children, so they made gingerbread man and the gingerbread man run away from them. Then, a lot of ones who wanted to eat the gingerbread man followed him. I didn't understand the end. A little old man and a little old woman wanted children and they made the gingerbread man, which meant the gingerbread man was like a child of them. And he run away meant that a child tend to run away from parents. At the end, he was eaten by clever fox. It meant that a child who was innocent in the way of the world was a sacrifice of the clever adult. I thought these and were scared of this story. Of course, I don't know if the means are right.
However, the illustrations in this book are very comical and nice. You can enjoy reading the story with the illustrations, if you read this book. I recommend that you read this book!
Mackinnon, Mairi.(2006) The Gingerbread Man. London: Usborne
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