"I'll never, ever be naughty again!"(p.46)

I heard that the blond hair means beauty but silly. The character, Goldilocks, are the very person. She had very beautiful golden hair but very naughty. Her naughty was very bad, for example, she gave her little brother a haircut. Also, she wouldn't believe the parents' words. Therefore, she wouldn't believe the comment on the out of forest, "Beware of the bears!" At the end, when she was naughty and fell asleep in a house, the inhabitants of the house, three bears, came back. Then, she would believe parents' words. I think that I can't believe the things only to hear, but I must believe the things to see. However, I have to think that the words I heard can be true. Of course, I don't have to believe the words perfectly.
This book has very nice illustrations. Goldilocks and other characters are very comical. The illustration of little brother of Goldilocks given haircut by Goldilocks is very poor fellow about his hair... The story is very fun and I like it! I recommend that you read this book.
Davidson,Susanna.(2007)Goldilocks and the Three Bears. London: Usborne
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