
BR02:Bad Love

I met Dr. Jack Daly in August. (p.6) 
In this book, "I" am a detective of police office. I like a detective story because I am interested in solving mystery in a detective story. It is fun! This story is not long very much, but it is difficult to find a criminal. I was thoughtful who iw a criminal, and the last surprised me!

This book is in the Cambridge English Readers series. I think the illustrations are hints to find a criminal. However, it is not colored, so you will confuse a little. I was interesting and excited whole I was reading this. I recommend that everyone read this book.

Leather.Sue. (2003). Bad Love. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.


BR01:The Baby Day

Mrs. Ambrose had asked Billy’s mum to take Jasmine into school for the afternoon, because the class was doing a project on ‘Young and Old’.(p.2)

 Billy was worried that the new girl in the class will make fun of him, because of the mother taking his small sister. I could understand his mind. If I were him, I was worried it, too. Children that are in elementary school or junior high school are very sensitive to a lot of things. But thinking doesn’t always become same to doing.

 This book is the Literacy Land series. It tells us that innocent baby makes others laugh and happy. The story is interesting and fun, and the illustrations are very nice, especially, the baby’s illustrations are very cute! I recommend that everyone read this book.

Alexander.Jenny. (2001). The Baby Day. Harlow : Person Education.